
The Intent Classification metric evaluates the intent behind a given text to determine how well it aligns with one or more predefined expected intents.
IntentClassificationMetric leverages the classifyIntent function to perform this evaluation.


classifyIntent Function

This function classifies the intent behind a given text and compares it against expected intents.

  • input: The text to be classified.
  • expectedIntents: A list of expected intents to evaluate against.

It uses a transformer model to determine the intent and assesses the match against the expected intents based on confidence and similarity scores. The function returns a promise that resolves to an object containing the detected intent, its confidence score, and a similarity score with the expected intents.

IntentClassificationMetric Class

IntentClassificationMetric classifies and evaluates the intent behind text based on predefined expectations.

  • input: The text to be classified.
  • expectedIntents: The expected intents against which the text will be evaluated.

The evaluateSteps method invokes classifyIntent and returns a detailed result, including a score and reasons. The score reflects how closely the detected intent matches the expected intents, with detailed reasons explaining the similarities and differences.


import { evaluate, IntentClassificationMetric } from '@evalkit/core';

    // The text input for intent classification
    input: "Can you help me find a nearby pharmacy?",
    // The expected intent(s) for the classification
    expectedIntents: ["LocateService", "HealthInquiry"],
}, [IntentClassificationMetric])

// outputs
  passed: true,
  // The coherence score is 0.9, which is calculated based on the percentage of coherent statements from all statements in the text.
  score: 0.5,
  Reasons: [
    'Detected intents: LocateService, HealthInquiry',
    'Matching intents: 1 out of 2'